Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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How we Worship

If you have attended Episcopal churches before, you’ll find much that is familiar here at The Church of the Epiphany. We use the liturgy outlined in the Book of Common Prayer, the prayer book that was developed to lay out our liturgical practices. We use the most recent revision, published in 1979. Our Sunday service is usually Holy Eucharist, Rite II, although we occasionally use other liturgies from the Prayer Book.

If you are new to Episcopal worship, you may want to read our introduction to worship at The Church of the Epiphany, “What to expect at The Church of the Epiphany.” This will give you a step-by-step explanation of what you will experience when you come to worship with us. Our service has two main parts. The first is the Liturgy of the Word, where we say prayers, hear the Word of God, sing, and hear a sermon based on the Scripture readings of the day. The second part is the Liturgy of the Table, also known as Holy Communion, when we remember Christ’s sacrifice for us through prayers and through the consecration and sharing of bread and wine. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive the bread and wine in this sacrament. Those who do not want to receive the bread and wine may come forward for a blessing, if they so desire.

Children are a vital part of our worship together. Most of the children attend our Sunday School Program during the first half of the service; they return at the Peace to join their parents or grandparents to receive communion.

Our music honors both the traditional music of the church and more contemporary musical forms. Some hymns come from the Episcopal Hymnal 1982, some from other hymnals, some are praise songs. We are blessed with a great group of musicians, singers and instrumentalists, who make a joyful noise unto the Lord every Sunday.
We invite you to worship with us!